Newgrounds API with Haxeflixel

I was recently asked to do a tutorial on how to get the Newgrounds API, allowing you to use Newgrounds Ads, Medals, Leaderboards and other site special stuff, to work with HaxeFlixel using FlashDevelop. Since there isn’t much on the subject, I thought I’ll write a quick one up to get people started.

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HaxeFlixel: Making a Custom Preloader

Today I figure I shall write a tutorial for a part of Flash/Haxe gamedev that isn’t really written much, especially for HaxeFlixel, one of the more popular frameworks for the Haxe programming language. While not very necessary for desktop and mobile games where data is loaded from the client side and loading times is usually very quick, preloading is used a lot in web based content where data is loaded from a server, so there would be less delays during playthrough. Even then, you are still able to customize the preloading itself to make it more appealing and to suit the game you are making, add links and other info or to include ads, as such I am going to show you the basics of creating your own preloader for a HaxeFlixel flash game.

Preload HaxeFlixel Default Preloader

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