Straight Out Of Furlough

So the pandemic is still at large, and despite being one of many employees that had to take a pay cut in March to keep businesses afloat and people with jobs at the company I work for, a number of people had to be furloughed in May as customers remained closed, I myself being one of them. Unfortunately, it’s happening everywhere where it’s non-essential, and the silver lining with mine was that it was only for three weeks (and I had it in writing despite my families concerns). Today is my last day of furlough and tomorrow will be my first day back at work, from home because as far as myself and my company is concerned, whatever excuse the British Government is giving to lifting lockdown is not good enough.

Even so, it feels weird to think about getting back to work. Getting into routines is a slow process for me in general, working from home daily basis took a while for me to adjust to, as well as the first week of furlough. I just hope my first week back at work will be smooth, I’ve worked in games programming for years so it’s just a case of not getting rusty.

So what have I been doing in May? Well, the week before furlough started I wanted to practice some personal game development by working on a clone of a game genre I usually don’t approach, puzzle games. I decided on Tetris since it’s the most popular, and I remember back when writing games in XNA trying (and failing) to make a Tetris clone, so it would be a good progressive piece.

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